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Clatsop County, OR

Clatsop County is suffering a homelessness crisis.

The homelessness rate in Clatsop County is 22 out of 1,000 residents, or 6x the state average. It also has the highest rate of unhoused children living alone. Community ROCKit builds on the housing initiatives of Clatsop County and community partners to create solutions to homelessness.


The Community ROCKit model, which focuses on identifying existing assets and amplifying community engagement to solve local issues, focuses on creating a coordinated approach to homelessness solutions, starting first with access to immediate shelter.

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Their First Mission


To create a vibrant,
coordinated approach to homelessness solutions,
starting first with access

to immediate shelter.

Why Homelessness?


Clatsop County is committed to addressing the housing crisis in our community and that includes providing immediate shelter options for some of our most vulnerable populations.

Who is Clatsop County

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The county is named for the Clatsop tribe, 

whose ancestral land is now known as Clatsop County, lived along the coast of the Pacific Ocean prior to European settlement.


Clatsop County is located on the northwest corner of Oregon on the rugged and beautiful coast, 

bounded on the north by the Columbia River and the west by the Pacific Ocean.


The principal industries of Clatsop County are fishing, lumber, agriculture, and tourism.

The Port of Astoria, created in 1914, is one of 22 Oregon port districts that support the trade and commerce of Oregon.


The County Seat is Astoria,

 Oregon's oldest city and the oldest American settlement west of the Rockies. 


The Lewis and Clark Expedition spent the winter of 1805–1806 in the area, 

establishing Fort Clatsop as one of the earliest American structures on the west coast of North America.

The social service providers within our County continue to do amazing work with limited resources, ROCKit is providing an additional tool to help coordinate these efforts to make sure we are all doing our best to fill in the gaps." 

Mark Kujala, Chair – Clatsop County Board of Commissioners


Asset Map

These assets were identified by Clatsop County participants to help address access to immediate shelter.

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