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Eastern Oregon
Morrow & Umatilla Counties, OR

Morrow and Umatilla Counties received a planning grant to address behavioral health housing


The Oregon Health Authority awarded planning grants for communities and organizations to identify current gaps in housing and facility-based residential services for people with behavioral health needs.


Based on their previous work with ROCKit, both Morrow and Umatilla counties are applying a regional ROCKit model to solutions finding.

U County, OR-01.png

Their Mission


Explore vibrant solutions to housing and treatment options for individuals with behavioral health needs, propelled by the perspectives of people with lived experience in our communities.

Why Umatilla and Morrow Counties?


The availability of housing and resources is inadequate in Umatilla and Morrow Counties at present, and the pandemic has exacerbated the need.

Why Behavioral Health Housing?  


Residential facilities for both youth and adults do exist, however

several have closed in the past few years


Occupancy rate at adult facilities is often

at capacity and with a waiting list


More transitional housing
and foster homes

are needed for the population


Rates of adults and children experiencing mental health concerns

have risen throughout the US during the pandemic,
and both Morrow and Umatilla Counties have seen the same

Gaps and Assets

Click on image to enlarge

Gaps and Assets (5_25_2022).png

These assets were identified by Umatilla and Morrow County participants to help address and improve behavioral health housing and residential services


Shared Vision, Assets, and Actions

Click on image to enlarge

Shared Vision, Assets & Actions (06_09_2022).png


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